25.-27. October 2024

Seminar - Program | Friday, 25 October 2024

Seminar 1 | Canon: The new Canon EOS R1 - the future of nature photography  with Radomir Jakubowski & Martin Wieser 

Seminar 2 | Nikon: Autumn whispers  with Willi Rolfes

Seminar 3 | On the way to better images with Jan Leßmann & Hermann Hirsch

Seminar 4 | A picture is worth a thousand words: nature photography and storytelling with Bruno D'Amicis



Seminar 4 | 9.30 a.m.-3.30 p.m. | A picture is worth a thousand words: nature photography and storytelling with Bruno D'Amicis
From comics to paintings and from magazine reportages to internet memes, images have always had the ability to convey messages and speak to a wide public by crossing linguistic, cultural and social barriers. Like any other form of communication, visual storytelling has its rules and secrets which can be learned and applied both by the amateurs and professionals to obtain powerful images and develop successful projects. By way of case studies, exercises, and first-hand anecdotes, we will explore the intrinsic narrative power of pictures so that we can make the most of any opportunity and fully unlock the storytelling potential of our nature photography.

We will focus on theoretical concepts in the morning and turn to practical applications in the afternoon. Using their own images, participants will create storyboards and discuss these in the group. For planning purposes, we will be in touch with all participants prior to the festival.

Bruno D’Amicis
Bruno D’Amicis

Bruno D'Amicis (1979) was born in Rome, lives in the shadow of the Apennines, and often works abroad.After graduating in biological sciences, he embarked on a career as a nature photographer. His images have won awards (World Press Photo, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, etc.) and been published all over the world (National Geographic, GEO, Smithsonian, etc.). In addition to his countless photographs, Bruno is the author of eight books, three documentaries, and several conservation projects including L'Altro Versanteabout Italy's mountains and L'Orso e la Formicaabout the endangered Apennine brown bear. His most recent project, The Wild Line, is a collaborative initiative to document and celebrate the last natural wonders of the Mediterranean.


Supporting - Program | Friday, 25 October 2024


6.00 P.M.

Award ceremony GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024, Fritz Pölking Prize 2024 and Rewilding Europe Award 2024
Official presentation of the winning images of the international competitions GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024, Fritz Pölking Prize 2024 and Rewilding Europe Award 2024 (admission free)

Galerie Hansesaal

8.00 P.M.

Exhibition opening and champagne reception
GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024, Fritz Pölking Prize 2024 and Rewilding Europe Award 2024 (admission free)

Supporting Program | Saturday, 26 October and Sunday, 27 October 2024


Lectures by top-level photographers of the international wildlife photography scene
(fee required, for details see program)


Exhibition of our members‘ competition GDT Nature Photographer of the Year 2024
(admission free)

Galerie Hansesaal

Exhibitions of the international competitions

  • GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024
  • Fritz Pölking Prize 2024
  • Fritz Pölking Junior Prize 2024
  • Rewilding Europe Award 2024

(admission free)


Exhibitions in the Bildersaal
Individual exhibitions of national and international photographers in the Hansesaal (admission free).

Find out more here.

Sports Hall (Rundsporthalle)

Photo Market
On more than 1000 qm you will find our large photo market with its own unique stage programme.
(admission free).

Check & Clean-Service
Camera manufactures offer a free Clean & Check service for your equipment. You will find this services on the gallery in the sports hall!

Stage Programme
As part of the photo market, we also offer a supplementary mixed stage programme. In addition to the well known product presentations, short lectures on all aspects of nature photography will complete the programme. You can check out the line-up from end-August on our website (admission free).