The influence of GDT founder member and honorary member Fritz Pölking on wildlife photography in Germany is unrivalled. His work received international recognition on numerous occasions and many of his photographs have found their way into a collective memory. Numerous books, lectures and workshops were the basis on which Fritz Pölking reached out to people all over the world; his work remains a source of inspiration and motivation for many photographers.
In recognition of his photographic work the publishing house Tecklenborg in cooperation with the GDT has launched the Fritz Pölking Prize and the Fritz Pölking Junior Prize in 2008. This award will be presented within the context of the contest European Wildlife Photographer of the Year and will be awarded yearly for extraordinary work in the field of wildlife photography. This may either be a special wildlife photography project or a portfolio of individual photographs. The minimum number of submitted photographs is 8; the maximum number is restricted to 12. Judgement will focus on photographic performance as well as the overall conception, idea and creative execution.
The German Society for Nature Photography (GDT) invites all amateur and professional photographers from all over Europe to participate in the competition every year.